Join us for the 2023 AGM, May 10 at 5:00 PM PT

Learn about the great things First West accomplished in 2022 and our exciting plans for the future.

The Notice of Annual General Meeting was sent to all eligible members on April 11, 2023.

This year, we are hosting the 14th Annual General Meeting through a hybrid model with both in-person attendance at The Penticton Trade and Convention Centre and online attendance available.

Register to attend »

To register to attend in-person, registration will open at 4:30 p.m. at the Penticton Trade and Convention Centre.
To register online, members and guests are asked to register to attend between 4:30 p.m. PT and 5:00 p.m. PT at which time registration will be open.

To register as a personal banking member you will be asked to provide your:

  • Last name
  • Date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD)
  • Postal code
  • Email address

To register as a business banking member you will be asked to provide your:

  • Member number
  • Postal code
  • Email address

Our technology partner will verify each member’s eligibility to participate in the meeting, vote and ask questions. Those not eligible to participate as members are welcome to attend as guests. Please note that guests will not have the ability to vote or ask questions.

To register as a guest you will be asked to provide your:

  • First and last name
  • Organization if applicable
  • Email address (we will send you a link the day before the AGM)


2023 board of directors election

A call for nominations to the First West board of directors was issued on Dec. 18, 2022 and closed on Jan. 13, 2023.

Learn more about our:

  • Call for nominations process
  • Endorsement
  • Directors elected by acclamation

Important information

Who is an eligible member? One who:
• Was a member as at December 31, 2022
• Holds at least 5 Class A Membership Shares
• Is not a junior member
• Is not in default of more than 90 days for any loans or obligations with First West

How do I ask a question during the AGM?
When viewing the AGM broadcast:
• Press the “Ask A Question” button in the upper right corner
• Type your question in the pop-up window that opens
• Press send to submit your question

How will my votes be recorded?
During the AGM, eligible members (as determined when registering) will be asked to vote on several items, including approving the agenda, approving the rules of conduct and approving required regulatory items such as the auditor’s report and the appointment of auditors. You will be prompted on-screen when it is time to vote. Your responses will be recorded anonymously by our third-party voting provider and totals will be supplied to the meeting moderator.

Preliminary agenda

• Call to order
• Ascertainment of quorum
• Welcome and introductions
• Appointment of recording secretary, parliamentarian
• Adoption of agenda and rules of conduct
• Approval of minutes of 2021 AGM
• Business arising from minutes
• Nominations Task Force report
• Board Chair report
• CEO report
• Report of auditors
• Appointment of auditors
• New business
• Good and welfare
• Adjournment

Summarized financial statements

Read the Report of the Independent Auditors on the Summarized Financial Statements on page four of First West’s 2022 Notice of AGM.

First West’s full consolidated financial statements are available in the 2022 annual report.

2022 annual report

Learn about how we maintained a dedicated focus on members and communities and our strong financial results.

Technical requirements to attend

Most personal computers, tablets or mobile phones with an up-to-date internet browser and a good connection to the internet may be used to participate. Most up-to-date versions of popular internet browsers (e.g. Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox) will work.